Types of Vedas

PIN types of vedas
The Vedas are the religiously sacred texts which show the path of life and defines the term ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom.’ As per our knowledge, Vedas are of four types – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samved, and Atharvaveda. But if we go through the ancient scriptures, we will[…]

What is Vastu Shastra?

PIN vastu shastra
What is Vastu Shastra? Vastu is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Vas’ (वस्), which means to dwell or cover. And according to that, Vastu Shastra means the art or science of creating a dwelling or residence or covered place. Even from Astadhyayi of panini and epics,[…]

Secrets of Vedic Rituals

PIN Secrets of Vedic Rituals
We, as Indians, live on a prestigious land full of countless rituals and traditional beliefs. Despite living on such a cultured and traditional land, we have failed to understand the importance, meaning and secrets of Vedic Rituals. And not only that, we have even typified[…]

Definition of Philanthropy

PIN Definition of Philanthropy
Philanthropy (Paropkar) simply means the act of providing value to others’ life and helping the underprivileged or the needy. It is considered one of the most vital qualities that a person must possess. Even in our ancient scriptures Philanthropy (Paropkar) is considered the most virtuous[…]

Who is a Guru?

PIN Who is a Guru?
Let’s talk about Who is a Guru? Once Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Lord Ram went to Vashista to gain knowledge. He was also a student of Vishwamitra as well. Another Avatar of Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna goes to Guru Sandipani to gain knowledge. If we[…]