Many individuals inquire whether there exists a remedy in your Vastu Shastra that allows for instant health. If you are battling an illness and the medications are not working as they should, or if you are facing a terminal illness with no solution in medical[…]
Namaskar Bal Bhadraji has composed a remarkable treatise on astrology in the 15th Century. Its name is – Hora Ratna.In this text, he has provided a wonderful aphorism, which is that we should strive to change our luck by making efforts: हन्यते दुर्बलम् दैवम् पौरुषेण[…]
The term “intuition” is one that’s frequently encountered. But what exactly is intuition, and what purpose does it serve? It represents our inner voice, the instinctive feeling that arises from deep within our soul. Whether it’s a supportive presence or a timely signal that influences[…]
Kaal Sarpa Yoga is a well-known term in the world of astrology, often used during Kundli consultations. It is widely believed to indicate karmic consequences from past lives and is considered one of the most formidable yogas in astrology. But is this belief accurate? Do[…]
In Hindu Vedic Sanatan Dharma, every ritual and tradition carries its own profound significance, with specific symbolic meanings behind the items used. Have you ever experienced the ritual of ringing a bell in Hindu temples? But do you know why it’s done before worshipping God?[…]
We are all familiar with the concept of Astrology, which involves predicting events in human lives based on celestial positions. Astrology is also considered the science of understanding our past lives. Within astrology, there is a branch known as “Medical Astrology,” which asserts a connection[…]
Namaskar, People often inquire about the crucial quality that indicates whether a person is spiritual. Today’s article delves into this very question. An essential and highly necessary quality that should be present within a spiritual person is compassion. That’s why Goswami Tulsidas Ji has referred[…]
Namaskar There is a Sutra in Chanakya Neeti: सर्वेषु गात्रेषु शिर: प्रधानम् । – चाणक्य नीति In other words, among all the body organs, the head is the most important. That’s why today we will discuss where your head should be while sleeping. Vishwakarma Prakash,[…]
Namaskar, As we embark upon the year 2024, it is worthwhile delving into the realm of prediction through the lens of numerology and astrology. Atri Rishi, in his teaching, underscores the importance of an astrologer’s pursuit of new ideas and innovative approaches alongside the study[…]
In the realm of Hindu mythology, the concept of “Muhurat” holds great significance as a designated period considered most auspicious. This concept is deeply rooted in Indian tradition, particularly within the framework of Hinduism, where important and propitious activities are typically undertaken after the selection[…]