Secret and Significance of Akshaya Tritiya

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In adherence to our revered Indian Vedic Sanatan Tradition, we partake in the observance of numerous festivals that punctuate the calendar year. Within this tapestry of celebrations, certain auspicious occasions emerge, imbuing us with a palpable sense of positive and constructive energy. Among these revered festivities such as Vijayadashami, Diwali, Gudi Padwa, and Akshaya Tritiya, there exist days of particular significance, believed to harbor profound blessings and ensure success in our endeavors.

Exemplifying this notion of auspiciousness and potent symbolism, Akshaya Tritiya stands as a beacon of unparalleled power and uniqueness within the pantheon of festive days. Occurring on the hallowed third lunar day of the Vaishakh Shukla month, this day is considered extremely propitious for solemnizing marriages, engaging in housewarming ceremonies, acquiring new modes of transportation, and notably, investing in the acquisition of gold.
The etymology of Akshaya Tritiya sheds light on its enduring and eternal essence, with ‘Akshaya’ denoting perpetual and unending qualities. This essence is eloquently captured in the verse from the revered Nirukt Granth:

न क्षय इति अक्षय।
– निरुक्त ग्रंथ

“Anything that is everlasting or cannot be destroyed is called Akshaya.”

Hence, the very appellation ‘Akshaya Tritiya’ encapsulates the promise of enduring and inexhaustible blessings that are bestowed upon individuals on the auspicious third day of the Vaishakh month. The fruits of virtuous deeds performed on this sacred day, encompassing acts of charity, filial piety, divine worship, social service, and endeavors for personal well-being, are believed to resonate with longevity and permanence, as underscored in the verses of the illustrious Madanaratna.

“अस्यां तिथौ क्षयमुर्पति हुतं न दत्तं।
तेनाक्षयेति कथिता मुनिभिस्तृतीया।।
उद्दिष्य दैवतपितृन्क्रियते मनुष्यै:।
तत् च अक्षयं भवति भारत सर्वमेव।।”
– मदनरत्न

Akshaya Tritiya, also known as ‘Akha Trij’ in many ancient scriptures, is a day filled with stories from the past that highlight its importance. One of the famous stories comes from the Skand Purana and Bhavishya Purana. In the Skand Purana, it is written that Lord Vishnu was born as Parashurama on this day. Parashurama was known for many great qualities, but one of the most important was his immortality, called ‘Chiranjeevi.’ According to the Skand Purana, there were only seven people in ancient times known as Chiranjeevi. The verse from the Skand Purana lists them as Ashwatthama, Bali, Sage Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya, and Parashurama.

अश्वत्थामा बलिव्र्यासो हनुमान्श्च विभीषणः।
कृपः परशुरामश्च सप्तैते चिर जीविनः।।
– स्कन्द पुराण, चिरञ्जीवी मन्त्र

Therefore, Akha Trij is the perfect day to focus on improving our physical well-being. Whether you aim to enhance your health, undergo surgery, or start exercising through Yoga, Meditation, or workouts, Akshaya Tritiya is ideal. This auspicious day is also favorable for seeking treatment for serious illnesses. Whether you opt for healing rituals or medical procedures, Akha Trij is considered the most auspicious day for such endeavors.
Another notable event from the Mahabharata occurs when the Pandavas, exiled to the forest, lacked resources to sustain themselves and the sages accompanying them. Yudhisthira, in a dilemma, sought a solution from the sage Dhaumya. Dhaumya advised them to worship Suryanarayan, who granted them the Akshaya Patra, ensuring an endless supply of food.

“एवं भानुमयं हि अन्नं भूतानां प्राणधारणम्।
पितैष सर्वभूतानां तस्मात् तम् शरणं व्रज।।”
– धौम्य ऋषि, महाभारत

This event, happening on Akshaya Tritiya, signifies the abundance of resources. On this auspicious day, one can enhance their lacking resources, be it finances, opportunities, or vitality, through rituals or endeavors.

Another significant event on Akshaya Tritiya was the commencement of writing the Mahabharata script. Sage Veda Vyasa first conceived the epic in his mind and sought someone to transcribe it. Unable to find a suitable scribe, he turned to Lord Brahma for guidance. Brahma advised him to seek help from Lord Ganesha, who was the only one capable of assisting in this task. Following Brahma’s counsel, Veda Vyasa approached Ganesha and requested him to transcribe the Mahabharata. Ganesha agreed but set a condition – he would not pause once he began writing. Veda Vyasa also laid down a condition that Ganesha must understand each verse before transcribing it. It is believed that Veda Vyasa recited complex verses for Ganesha to transcribe, who took time to comprehend them. During this period, Veda Vyasa carried on with his daily routines until Ganesha grasped the verses, as mentioned in a verse from the Mahabharata.

“सर्वज्ञोऽपि गणेशो यत् क्षणमास्ते विचारयन्।
तावत् चकार व्यासोऽपि श्लोकान् अन्यान् बहूनापि।।”
– महाभारत

Similar to the Mahabharata, we often face daunting tasks that seem impossible to accomplish. It is noteworthy that Ganesh Ji began transcribing the Mahabharata on Akshaya Tritiya, symbolizing the initiation of challenging endeavors. To succeed in difficult areas, one should start working towards their goals on this auspicious day.
Understanding the significance of Akha Trij from these stories is crucial. Exploring the cosmic events on this day sheds light on its auspiciousness, where Astrology plays a vital role in studying celestial bodies. The alignment of the Sun and the Moon on Akshaya Tritiya holds special importance in Astrology as they are key celestial witnesses. A verse from Piyushdhara highlights this connection: “Astrology, where the Sun and the Moon are direct witnesses.”

“प्रत्यक्षं ज्योतिषं शास्त्रं चन्द्रार्कौ यत्र साक्षिणो।”
– पीयुषधारा

On Akha Trij, both the Sun and the Moon are in a powerful position. The Sun is at its peak in Aries, and the Moon shines brightly in Taurus. This rare alignment occurs only once a year, specifically on Akshaya Tritiya, making it a highly influential and favorable day.

In Phaldipika, two verses shed light on the significance of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun represents inner strength, as noted in the verse: “We derive strength from the Sun.”

आत्म प्रतापम् अर्कात्।
– फल दीपिका

Similarly, the Moon symbolizes mental well-being, as stated in the verse: “We find happiness of mind from the Moon.”

मनःप्रसादम् चन्द्रतः।
– फल दीपिका

Therefore, on Akshaya Tritiya, we receive the energies of inner strength and mental happiness from the cosmic positions. Gargacharya Ji’s verse emphasizes that having a peaceful mind is the best time to start any endeavor:

मन प्रसाद: श्रेष्ठ मुहूर्तः।
– महर्षि गर्गाचार्य

“Having happiness of the mind is the best Muhurat for initiating any kind of work.” – Sage Gargacharya
With the universe granting us these energies on Akha Trij, it becomes the most auspicious day for success and new beginnings in all aspects of life. It is wise to make the most of this favorable day to enhance your well-being and prosperity. Understanding the secrets and importance of Akshaya Tritiya can lead you to happiness, peace, and abundance in your life.

Shubham Bhavatu.

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